Gabriela Jurosz-Landa

All my life I have been experiencing the In-between of nations, cultures, languages, and states of consciousness. Born in one Czechoslovakia, growing up in Germany, and living yet in several other countries thereafter, moving among different mindsets comes easy to me, culturally and spiritually.


Initiated into the art and wisdom of Maya shamanism, I coach people leading to more health and harmony. 


Education and creating art is essential for me to keep in harmony. For me, my photography, painting, jewelry-design, and writing give me space to meditate and connect to the Absolute, receiving guidance for me and for others. 


As a journalist and U.S. correspondent of 20 years, I have trained listening to others and putting attention to detail, an important ability in spirituality and life. As an author, I have been a member of the advisory board with the jury of the Berlin-based literary competition Federleicht, and recently joined the advisory board of The FlorenceBelskyFoundation.


During the CORONA pandemic, I gave people a forum to gather in weekly WRITERS SALON on Zoom, featuring up-and-coming and mid-career poets and writers. 


Since 2010, I have engaged in organising cultural events as the founder of  FORUM OF WORLD CULTURES, and edit the cultural multi-language page


Besides multiple photography awards, I have earned awards in writing:

2018 in the Anthology Bibliothek Deutschsprachiger Gedichte: Poem 'Ferne Zeiten' 

1998 in Český Dialog, Prague: Essay Emmigrantenkinder'


I earned a Master's degree in anthropology, art history, and psychology from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. However, much life experience came to me during my studies in Vienna, Prague, and Berlin, and the years in Guatemala and New York City which I am deeply grateful for.