How I came to live with the Maya


After studying anthropology at the universities of Vienna, Prague, and Munich, I spent six years in Guatemala, fully immersing myself in Maya life. Upon leaving, I had a dream that I would return in twelve years, and remarkably, that dream came true. I had moved to Manhattan working as an art critic and artist, and one day, I encountered the Maya leader through a series of extraordinary events, which I detail in my book.


Following intense conversations and assistance to the Maya leader during his time in New York, I soon after received an invitation to the 2012 New Era celebrations. I returned to Guatemala and was eventually initiated into Maya shamanism. My mission now is to share this unique and original wisdom with communities in the Global North, bridging the gap between two worlds and unveiling the profound teachings the Indigenous people can give us.


Photo: with a Quichean elder at the Maya administration's official attendance of the ensayo de Baile del Torrito.